What is a Garment Merchandiser Clothing Industry-5 Popular Strategies In 2023

What is a Garment Merchandiser Clothing Industry-5 Popular Strategies In 2023

What is a Garment Merchandiser, From the word “merchandise,” the phrase “merchandiser” was born. In the clothing industry, the merchandiser is in charge of managing the customers and their orders while also managing the garment company as a whole. He monitors the company’s garment manufacturing operations to guarantee the timely dispatch of the proper quality and quantity. इसलिए हम एक परिधान व्यापारी को एक ऐसे व्यक्ति के रूप में परिभाषित कर सकते हैं जो आवश्यक वस्त्रों के उत्पादन के लिए आवश्यक कच्चा माल और सहायक उपकरण खरीदता है और उन्हें आवंटित समय सीमा के भीतर विभिन्न देशों में खरीदारों को निर्यात करता है। I’ll go over the duties of various kinds of merchandisers for clothing in this piece. Benefits of Garment Merchandiser in the Clothing Industry In the clothing business, there are various merchandiser types, each with a unique function and set of duties. Some of the most typical categories of clothing merchandisers are listed below: Manufacturer of merchandise: In the clothing business, a production merchandiser is in charge of organizing and monitoring a garment production process. कपड़ों के कुशल उत्पादन और ग्राहकों को ऑर्डर के शीघ्र शिपमेंट के लिए उत्पादन व्यापारी आवश्यक हैं। A Production Merchandiser’s job begins when the buyer places the order and ends...

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